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Writing Sample #001


The Left Side of Love - Short Story


Everyone always tells us that love is supposed to be this beautiful, progressive, joyous thing. I always looked at love as representing two sides of a heart. Those with a positive, slightly illogical outlook to life experience the right side of love. You know, the things we read about in fairytales.

The cynical realist, border-lining pessimism, usually experiences the left side of love. The things that beautiful nightmares are made of.

My name is M. Maven and this is what love on the left looks like.

© 2011 Syn Delano

for the entire story, click here​

password: bridgetkelly

The Process of an Artist


There are so many different forms of art, ranging from drawing, painting, sculpting and architecture, to fashion, dance, music, literature, and photography. The amazing thing about art is how it is effortlessly infused into our daily lives and those are just to name a few art forms.


The beauty of art can be seen in the finished product, as well as the process each artist takes to begin creating. Some of the artists’ habits are judged severely because of what they entail. However, if we think of that one artist that leaves us in constant awe, would we want them to give up their craft because they have to snort 5 lines of coke to mentally prepare for delivery? While this might sound extreme, most artists will participate in something out of the norm that can be attributed to part of them creating.


To get in the zone, some artists do whatever is necessary. However, they might feel the need to hide their process because the general public will quickly judge them. It becomes no wonder that artistically creative people tend to only associate with each other. They do not have to explain themselves or make excuses for something that just comes natural to them. So it becomes no big deal for a painter to chain-smoke joints and a musician to drink heavily to enhance their skill set. Most art is spawned from imagination and when an artist deals with too much reality throughout the course of a day, they sometimes need a creative jump-start.

This might fly completely over someone’s head if they can only acknowledge that excess of anything is bad. While their thought process might never change regarding that, it is easier to appeal to those who are willing to gain an understanding of these amazing people who see the world differently. This is exactly where art comes from; having the ability to see and/or hear something others do not.


Some artists might make insane amounts of money from presenting their craft to the world. However, money and popularity is not always their motivation. A lot of them do it for the love, while considering monetary benefits and attention as a plus. Then you have those who never leave their zone long enough to even care about money or attention. Some artists simply live to create.

It helps to understand these kinds of people because then we will develop a deeper appreciation for all art forms. By doing so, we will genuinely grow to love everything involved with art.

This is not about condoning destructive behavior. It is mainly an effort to get people to understand that all artists have rituals. So the next time we listen to a song that makes our body sway from left to right… read a book that allows us to envision a world outside of reality… enter an art museum to view abstract wonders or see fantastic body art that has been creatively tattooed on someone’s body, remember a process is always attached.

The most important thing is to appreciate the artist that chooses to give the public their beauty.

© 2012 Syn Delano

Being Fearless


Much too often we let our dreams, ambitions, and goals get crushed or thrown on the back burner because of that debilitating four-letter word: FEAR. It can leave us in stagnant waters all our life, wondering why we never excelled as far as we had planned once before. When we get to that point where we begin to doubt ourselves and what we are capable of, we have to realize being fearless means recognizing what we want to accomplish is more important than any setbacks.

© 2013 Syn Delano

for the entire article, click here​

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Sample #002


Writing Sample #003


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